Born in Texas to a poor ranching family during the Civil War, Sundown knew hardship from the start...even lost his Pa when he was killed on a cattle drive on the way up to the railheads in Abilene, Kansas. Times being dirt poor as they were, his Ma decided it would be best to remarry...turns out his new Pa was the first man Sundown wound up killing. since then Sundown has carved eleven more notches into his colt and fancies other people cattle -- with a lifestyle such as he leads -- he has found it best to stick to the owl hoot trail deep in the Indian Territories. But, staying out here in the wild red wind ain't kept his hands free of blood, cause Judge Parker keeps sending U.S. Marshals after him and he's gunned three of'em down so far. He has a pleasant side, not that it is seen very often, but he does show it when he is high in his chips and enjoying some good rye whiskey. He'll hire on to ride with a group, but he don't take no guff...
but word is there ain't a meaner, straighter shooting cuss you'd want at your side.
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